Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye is something most of us have experienced at some point in our lives. But what does actually cause it and how can we treat and prevent it?

Let’s start with the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome:

  • Red eyes
  • Feelings of dryness and soreness that get worse during the day
  • Blurred vision that eventually goes away when you blink
  • Sticky eyelids

Some of the more severe symptoms can be extreme sensitivity to light (photophobia), vision deterioration and painful eyes. Having any of these symptoms can be a sign of a very serious complication and you should immediately contact your optician, GP or healthcare provider for advice.

What is the cause of dry eyes?

Dry eye usually appears when you have decreased tear production or when tears drain away too easily. Tears are pretty vital, as they help keep the eye lubricated, prevent infections and clear away the debris from the eye surface.

Decreased tear production can happen due to many reasons such as: 

  • Wearing contact lenses for a very long time. (It is advised to give your eyes some rest by wearing glasses for a while).
  • Dehydration
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Side effect of some medications
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Menopause
  • Allergic eye disease
  • Vitamin A deficiency

How can you treat it?

Drink more water

As a symptom of dehydration, one of the best treatments may be one of the most simple ones. Re-hydrating by drinking more water can efficiently help you with treating dry eyes.

Use eye drops

Your optician may give you some eye drops to help lubricate your eyes or medication to reduce inflammation if needed. In more serious occasions, surgery can prevent tears from draining away too easily.

Take some vitamins that are good for dry eyes

Alongside omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, there are some other vitamins that can help improve dry eye syndrome. Vitamin B-6, B-12, E and C in particular have proven quite useful when it comes to improving the symptoms caused by dry eyes.

Eat foods that improve dry eye

There are also some certain foods that are helpful:

  • Fish, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids
  • Leafy greens, which are rich in vitamin C
  • Seeds
  • Nuts 
  • Beans

In conclusion

There are indeed a lot of things that may cause dry eyes but thankfully there are also a lot of ways to treat it; both medical and natural remedies. Make sure you drink enough water, eat foods that contain the needed vitamins and, if you wear contact lenses, you should also give your eyes a bit of rest in-between by wearing glasses for a while. If you want to learn more on how to keep your eyes hydrated, read our article to find a few ways to keep your eyes from getting dry.

Luckily we have an eye supplement section where you can find a lot of eye vitamins that can help keep your eyes healthy.

And if you don’t own an awesome pair of reading glasses to wear when you need to let your eyes rest, you can take a look at the selection we offer.